Tag Archive: Navin Ramgoolam

From the heart…

“Quand le sage désigne la lune, l’idiot regarde le doigt ”

Chinese Proverb

Dear MMM,

Your ears must be hurting by now with all the foul things that have been said about you over the last few weeks. Fuelled by media propagandists that are bent on putting you in that most insufferable political coffin, the anti-MMM movement has seemingly gathered enough ammunition to threaten your 40-year old journey. Leading this pack is the personal friend of world leaders, the God-anointed Saviour of the people, Navin. The Chosen One in yet another of his hubristic fits even predicted that he will be the one with the shovel gleefully digging your grave and who will reduce you to political abyss.

But are all those that have made themselves heard filled with destructive venom? No, a few who genuinely care about your wellbeing have been prescribing medication that will help keep the ‘zom magouyeurs’ and similar diseases away. G.Ahnee pertinently raised the need for clarification on the values and the vision you stand for and posed to your followers a question that has been addling the minds of most of us; ‘Quel est le sens de votre combat?’

Let me add my voice to his, for this perceived dearth of ideas and absence of farsightedness has been plaguing you since 2005. There is the need to come forward with credible solutions to the following strategic issues; how do we reduce the gap between the haves and have-nots, do we keep an archaic education system that thrives on parrot learning or do we finally set the bases for a thinking society, how do we put reins on the capitalism beast and help create a greener society. My beloved MMM, what you need more than anything at this defining moment of your existence is lifeblood in the form of strong ideas, and they, unlike some of your members, will not waver with time…

Let me also request that you do not forget the reasons that have lead some of your children to leave your bosom. Some of your disillusioned disciples felt (and I believe that their case was not totally unfounded) that the last promotion exercise was one that did not give much consideration to meritocracy and was merely a public relations exercise that had been amateurly executed.

Let us all hope that other meritorious candidates who have been denied that much-sought ticket for a ride on the power wagon will choose patience over haste and will remain steadfast in their commitment. Let us also pray that the internal wars finally cease and that your members stop tearing you apart. It is not too late to get yourself rid of the haughty young and old incompetents that pretend to love you only for their personal gains. Not when you have able people that are sincere in their dedication but who are overlooked.

The MMM cannot afford to fail. Not now. Now when the country’s future looks bleak and you are its sole ray of hope… Your loving son,

Chetan Ramchurn


P.S: May I remind all of your adherents of their pledge when they joined the party « Tout membre du MMM doit se plier a la discipline du Parti, militer activement au sein du Parti, étudier l’histoire du MMM, s’imprégner de ses valeurs, s’efforcer de se doter d’une solide formation politique, se mêler au peuple et y rester proche et au besoin l’aider, pratiquer l’ entraide avec les camarades du Parti, pratiquer l’autocritique quand nécessaire, n’avoir aucune activité ou conduite qui puisse nuire a l’image du Parti … »


And thus spake the Great One…

Citizens of Mauritius, feel blessed to have been addressed by the Chosen One. Our hardworking Prime Minister, in his great benevolence, took some of the precious time he usually spends discussing with the likes of Chirac and Sarkozy to deal with the trivial Mauritian issues.

Revealing his misery and loneliness, the compassionate Navin also disclosed that he will be gracing President Obama with that great intelligence of his and we certainly believe that he will seize this opportunity to teach him a trick or two about how bold decisions are taken in tough times. Our leader talked at length about the fruits of his intelligent decisions using references spanning from the Bible to Kissinger and admitted that the No.8 elections were of little interest to him for he is now more than ever focused on the economy.

When our beloved P.M highlighted the hassles of holding his much coveted title, all of us sympathised with him. How can we let this often betrayed great ruler stay in such conditions with hardly any friends and suspicions on the few that he has? No, we cannot and should not let Ramgoolam Junior suffer more than he has already endured for our sake. We should relieve him of his great distress and it is now our moral duty to offer him salvation in the coming general elections.


Last Thursday’s marathon speech which was nothing more than an unsavoury potpourri of quotes, examples from other failed hedging experiments and incoherent ramblings clearly smacked of hubris. So much arrogance from a man who has so lamentably failed time and time again should have irked most of us. But, nothing of that sort happened as a sizeable proportion of the “peuple admirable” chose to put style over substance and saw in SSR’s heir’s insufferable mumbo jumbo some kind of verbal prowess that the rest of us must have missed.

Ramgoolam’s power ride has been a bumpy one and the grotesque masquerade that this public relations exercise was proved once again that his all talk and no action attitude is likely to continue…until we finally decide to punish him… Yeshwant Ramchurn

Air Mauritius

Who shot our Phaeton Rubicola?

Dubbed the “Soul of Mauritius”, the much hyped ambassador of Mauritius, our premier company, our very own national airline is in deep mire. Amidst rumours of takeovers, leaked secret conversations and XLD’s almost too little too late attempts to turn back the tide, lies a venerable institution in tatters.

Welcome to Navinland

While some have sniffed blood and are now on the prowl for further damning evidence against the architects of Air Mauritius’s doom, we watch once again with awe the appalling absence of leadership at the head of the state. While the first rats have begun to leave the sinking ship, the much hoped sanctions against those who have failed have yet to come. In truth, in Navinland, the axe never seems to fall on those who are guilty of sacrilegious wrongs…

This latest saga will be remembered as yet another Ramgoolam botched moment, yet another missed opportunity to rise to the occasion and soothe a scandal-weary population. In times of chaos, we turn to those who wield power to show us the way forward; or as Faye Wattleton says “The only safe ship in a storm is leadership.” Alone we stand in these troubled times…

Arrogant fools

Accessorius sequitur comes to mind when deciding on who should be punished. The blame should first and foremost be attributed to those that were at the gambling table with our money. The absence of any exit clause attached to a hedging contract of that magnitude is a gaffe that deserves no clemency. And what do we have instead of unequivocal professions of guilt? Interviews of arrogant fools that abound in our newspapers where all claim to have made the right decisions regardless of evidence to the contrary. What terrifies us is the sight of those who have previously given glaring demonstrations of their incompetence who are rewarded with hefty paychecks and renewed positions of power. No doubt Cunningham had to leave…

In these times of economic and financial havoc, what we need more that anything is a guiding figure in whom we trust. These are defining times for our country… times where real leaders emerge and fake ones crumble… Chets Ramchurn

“Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste
Brought death into the world and all our woe…”
Paradise Lost

John Milton

Paradise Lost

Mark Twain’s now famous quote linking Mauritius to paradise now sounds like a bitter remembrance of what our fledgling democracy used to be. The state of moral decay that is gangrening our nation leads us to one conclusion; our motherland deserves a better class of leaders.

All guilty

Who should take the blame for further soiling our moral values? All of us are equal partners in crime. We, the “peuple admirable” for having and continuing to bear with hoards of self-centered egomaniacs that have and continue to fool us with lofty words and false pledges. Religious leaders for stooping to unknown levels of immorality in their quest for personal power. Political leaders from successive governments who failed to understand the nobility of serving of one’s country.

Dr Navin Mr Ramgoolam

Navin Ramgoolam, in the role of the greatest agent of chaos and now renowned for his inability to take bold decisions, has helped further tarnish the moral sanctity of our society. Our P.M carries the role of the incompetent leader with such aplomb that he makes the case for his cohort of even more ineffectual bootlickers. Navin is together with all those around him the silent culprits responsible for creating a system that thrives on incompetence and corruption.

From someone who represented change back in the mid 1990s to the master manipulator that he now is, Navin symbolises the degeneration of moral values our country has experienced over the last decade. Declared politically dead in 2000, he has managed a tour de force return to power heavily infused with newly acquired communication skills that focused on an all talk and no action stance .

The leader of the Labour Party has mastered the art of communication and understood that image is everything. Case in point: a scandal filled month with the Boskalis case, Cindy Legallant, Sada Curpen, Valayden’s resignation, Cunningham’s sudden departure, Bel Ombre S.E all making headlines and the only image that will be left in the voter’s mind will be Navin’s sega dancing skills at Le Morne.

Call to arms

The successive list of scams involving bearers of power is a cause for concern but what is even more distressing is that corruption and incompetence are now an ingrained part of our culture. There is no secret mantra to end this but only the will to stand for what is right. Dear co victims, let us extirpate ourselves from our lethargic state and bury those who have repeatedly failed us. Let us not be confined to a state of slumber, lulled in a sense of comfort and security by propagandists. Let us rise above the muck before it is too late.

Chetan Ramchurn